SHS Writes Christmas Cards to Area Veterans
Many Seward High students took time in the classes to write a Christmas Card to a Military Veteran in Nebraska. The program- remembering military veterans at Christmas - is sponsored by the GFWC Seward Woman’s Club! The Woman’s Club furnished the cards and collects the finished cards - to deliver them to area veterans’ homes.
Pictured are members of the TJ Towle Health Class with their Christmas Cards. Mr John Moody’s JAG classes also participated in the effort to remember Vets - writing Christmas cards and messages as well!
Many of the blank Christmas Cards were donated by Woman’s Club members and individuals in the community. New, unused Christmas cards are still being accepted and can be dropped off at the Nebraska National Guard Museum. They accepted full boxes of cards, as well as half boxes of cards! Last year hundreds of cards were delivered by members of the GFWC Seward Woman’s Club. Project chair for the event is Rene’ Chandler.
The GFWC Seward Womans Club also has created a space at the Ne National Guard Museum where a table is prepared with blank Christmas cards- inviting the community to sign a card for a Nebraska military veteran and thank the veteran for their service! The Nebraska National Guard Museum is open M-F from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm - M-F.
The GFWC Seward Woman’s Club is the oldest Civic volunteer organization in Seward - founded in 1900 and holds membership with the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. For more information- contact Angela Belew - President of the GFWC Seward Womans Club at