SMS in Concert
The Seward Middle School 8th Grade Choir ( Half the choir each show) sang for the Seward Rotary Club’s annual Pastor’s Day Appreciation Christmas luncheon at the Jones Bank and at the annual GFWC Seward Womans . . .
AMI Quiz Bowl 2024 Report-Seward MS Wins!
The Nebraska Chapter of the American Mothers, INC hosted their Annual Middle School General Knowledge Quiz Bowl in Seward!! Seward Middle School Named Champion at the Annual NE AMI Quiz Bowl! The Seward Middle School Team won . . .
Seward Middle School Quiz Bowl Teams Participate in the Nebraska Mothers Association of the American Mothers, INC Eleventh Annual Quiz Bowl in Seward
The Nebraska Mothers Association of the American Mothers, INC (NAMI) hosted their Eleventh Annual Quiz Bowl for Nebraska middle school students, competing in a general knowledge quiz bowl event at the Seward Civic Center on . . .