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Seward Public Schools

Middle School


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Elective Teachers

The Elective Courses are a time for students to discover their strengths through experiences outside the regular classroom. Elective classes are a variety of student and parent selected experiences designed to meet the needs of adolescents. Classes include agricultural science, industrial arts, vocal music, instrumental music, technology, art, health/physical education, keyboarding, and spanish.


Band Notes!

In the band room, we're looking forward to our upcoming Winter Band Concert to be held Monday, January 20th.  You'll find us at the SHS Auditorium and the concert will begin at 7:00 PM.  This will be your first opportunity to hear the 5th grade beginning band as well as the 6th & 7th grade concert bands.  It will be a BLAST!


We recently had a number of 7th & 8th graders auditioning for the Meridian Honor Band.  These students go above and beyond to prepare some materials that are recorded and sent away for judging.  Results will be made available in late January/early February.  Good luck to those "leaders" in our bands!


As always, we would like to thank the parents for their continued support of their child in the SMS band program.  Isn't it exciting to hear the progress?  The rewards of participation go FAR beyond music education!  We could write a book about the research, which by the way, has been done many times and they’re GREAT reads.



Seward Middle School Physical Education


The first semester of the school year is complete and the Physical Education classes have rolled on. We have completed soccer, floor hockey, and basketball units this quarter. We have also begun to introduce more workout days in which stations, various exercises, and even have had basic strength and conditioning lessons (for 7th/8th grades). We have utilized new equipment and noticed an improvement in motor skills throughout the implementation of these new lessons. Coming up, we will have our second round of PACER Testing as well as further use of workout days, lacrosse, and pickleball units.

Elective Teachers

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