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Educational Applications for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch

Specific Apps for Specific Learning Challenges

Many students use iPads, iPhones and the iPod touch on a regular basis. There are apps that can be downloaded to help students learn using a variety of techniques.

The following link to Tech Learning will provide you with guidance in choosing apps that you feel would benefit your student(s).

Here is another link to "All About Apps for (Special) Education" that is pretty amazing.

Two more documents that we have attached are:

iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Aps for (Special) Education

Applications for Vision

There is a lot of information if you enjoy searching for yourself but these articles will help get you started.

*We will add additional articles or links below that would be beneficial to parents and students as we are made aware of them.

Here is a list of links prepared by a Seward Teacher

Educational Applications for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch

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